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Council For Indonesian Christian Religious Higher Education (BMPTKKI) Is a partner of the Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance and exists as a form of responsibility for Christian religious colleges that are part of the Indonesian nation and servants Christ. BMPTKKI, from the national and state dimensions, is a deliberative body for Christian Theological Seminary (PTKK) to realize efforts to build a nation and shape that is intelligent, virtuous, and dignified. BMPTKKI was founded based on Pancasila and the 1945 Law and referred to higher education’s tri dharma as mandated in the preamble and Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution of the Unitary State Republic Indonesia. Educating and improving the nation’s intelligence is a shared responsibility between the government, educational service institutions, and the community. The vision of BMPTKKI is to become a deliberative body for diverse colleges. Christianity improves the quality of education and teaching, research and development of community service, and cooperative relationships.

In the context of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (Research) and developing networks to improve the quality of human resources, BMPTKKI plans to hold an International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (IConTHCE 2021).

This activity is a means to increase the professionalism of members who are members of the BMPTKKI forum. As a deliberative body for Christian religious seminaries as a unifying forum for research activities and enhancing lecturers’ professionalism.

It expects to make PTKK lecturers throughout Indonesia more productive and active in carrying out one of the Tri Dharma higher educations activities such as research, which has an impact impact on improving the quality of Christian religious seminaries.

So that it can give birth to an academic community  that affects the practice of significant mandate of the Lord, Jesus Christ. In The flow of globalization, millennial generation, and the era of the industrial revolution that continues to grow.

In the deliberations of all its members, BMPTKKI can represent the academic community of Christian religious colleges from all church denominations to benefit the future of religious education.


Council For Indonesian Christian Religious Higher Education (Badan Musyawarah Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Kristen Indonesia/BMPTKKI) has the vision to advance the academic abilities of lecturers who teach within the PTKK scope. All of them aim to implement the achievement of the Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. To fulfill this vision, the field of research and publication of the journal BMPTKKI designed International Seminar activities to upgrade lecturers’ abilities on the one hand and facilitate Christian Theological Seminary (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Kristen/PTKK) lecturers to publish their academic work in the international arena.

In 2020, the Research and Publishing section of the BMPTKKI Journal had designed and prepared this activity by discussing the theme and scope. After going through various discussions, considerations and receiving multiple inputs, the chosen theme was: Integration of Theological Insight and Humanity in the Contemporary World. This theme was selected as a form of actualization of Christian religious Seminaries in Indonesia in responding to and positioning themselves amid a changing world. Theological and hermeneutical responsibility is needed as one of the pillars, especially in defending humanity in the face of an increasingly secular world. Theology must become a horizon in humankind. If not, theology will only be an absurd concept and a doctrinal trap that never benefits human actualization and contemporary humanity.

At the beginning of 2021, after the basic concept has become final, the committee’s formation will be the next step to organize this activity. The output of academic work based on friends is international proceedings that will be indexed into Google Scholar, EBSCO, and Web of Science (WoS).


The activities of the International Conference On Theology, Humanities And Christian Education (IConTHCE) aim to:

1.   Increase synergy in the research activities of PTKK lecturers throughout Indonesia.

2.   Establishing collaboration between stakeholders, especially BMPTKKI and PTKK, in increasing the scientific insight of lecturers through direct discussions

3.    Increase discourse and develop innovative thoughts on issues of Theology, humanity, and Christian education. We invited several internationally recognized experts to be the main speakers at the plenary session. The event will then be followed by a parallel panel discussing specific areas of the selected themes, with presenters being selected based on a call for paper. Each forum will also involve an expert in a particular region as the discussant. We will offer post-conference publication opportunities in various forms such as international journals, national journals, conference proceedings, and edited books.

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